
Selected References in Extinction Calls

by Cláudia Martinho


Calling for a shift in the relation to environment towards an ecological intimacy and our innate ability of attunement to the voices of non-human beings.


The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World

David Abram — Vintage Books / Random House, New York, 1997

The Spell of the Sensuous - David Abram  


In this book, David Abrams explores the character of perception and excavates the sensual foundations of language, which echoes the calls of the earth.





Alliance for Wild Ethics


David Abram is an ecologist, anthropologist, and philosopher, author of Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology (Pantheon, 2010) and The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-than-Human World (Vintage, 1997), and the founder and creative director of AWE, The Alliance for Wild Ethics.





Ecology of Affect: Intensive Milieus and Contingent Encounters

Marie-Luise Angerer — meson press, Lüneburg, 2017




Translated from the German (Affektökologie: Intensive Milieus und zufällige Begegnungen) by Gerrit Jackson, this book explores the motions of connecting, translating and separating as new basic parameters of affect at a time when environment, technology, and humans are linked through their capacity for sensation.





Leah Barclay


Barclay’s research and creative work over the last decade has investigated innovative approaches to recording and disseminating the soundscapes of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to inform conservation, scientific research and public engagement. Her work explores ways we can use creativity, new technologies and emerging science to reconnect communities to the environment and inspire climate action.





Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things

Jane Bennett — Duke University Press, Durham / London, 2010


JANE BENNETT - vibrant matter 2010  


"Why advocate the vitality of matter? Because my hunch is that the image of dead or thoroughly instrumentalized matter feeds human hubris and our earth-destroying fantasies of conquest and consumption." — Jane Bennett





Biosphere Soundscapes


A large-scale interdisciplinary research project, underpinned by the creative possibilities of acoustic ecology and the emerging fields of biology exploring environmental patterns and changes through sound, that sits at the intersection of art and science. The project is designed as a platform for artists, scientists and global communities to collaborate and expose the creative and scientific possibilities of sound and acoustic ecology to a global audiences.





The Three Ecologies, 1989

Félix Guattari — The Athlone Press, London / New Brunswick, 2000. Translated from the French (Les trois écologies, 1989) by Ian Pindar and Paul Sutton.


The Three Ecologies  





IUCN Red List


Established in 1964, the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global extinction risk status of animal, fungus and plant species. It is a critical indicator of the health of the world’s biodiversity and a powerful tool to inform and catalyse action for biodiversity conservation and policy change.





Living Earth: Field Notes from the Dark Ecology Project 2014-2016

Edited by Mirna Belina and Sonic Acts — Sonic Acts Press, Amsterdam, 2016.




Macaulay Library


The Cornell Lab of Ornithology's digital archive, accessible to the public, and containing the world’s largest collection of animal sounds as well as a rapidly growing video library of animal behavior.





Fragments of Extinction


An environmental sound art project by David Monacchi.





Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence

Timothy Morton — Columbia University Press, New York, 2016.


Timothy Morton  





“Timothy Morton: Ecology Without Nature”

An interview by Roc Jiménez de Cisneros, December 13, 2016.





Reveil Dawn Chorus Day

Reveil is a 24+ hour radio broadcast following sunrise around the earth on Dawn Chorus Day.





Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology

By the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology.





Jana Winderen


The practice of this artist pays particular attention to audio environments and to creatures which are hard for humans to access, both physically and aurally – deep under water, inside ice or in frequency ranges inaudible to the human ear. Her activities include site-specific and spatial audio installations and concerts like The Art of Listening: Underwater for Audemar Piguet at Art Basel Miami, bára for TBA21_Academy, and Ultrafield for MoMA.





Chris Watson


A founding member of Cabaret Voltaire, Watson has developed a particular and passionate interest in recording the wildlife sounds from around the world. His television work includes many programmes in the David Attenborough "Life" series including The Life of Birds.




Cláudia Martinho is a researcher, artist, architect and acoustician that has been developing an experimental practice that embraces sound art, architecture, eco-acoustics, animism and activism She is based in Gerês biosphere reserve in Portugal, and is currently engaged as a researcher in the project “audire – Saving Sonic-Based Memories” at the University of Minho.


In Extinction Calls (maat, 10/06/2020 – 11/01/2021), Cláudia Martinho uses archive sounds to create multiple sonic encounters with extinct and critically endangered bird species. The soundscape resonates with the acoustic space of maat and "Beeline", the architectural intervention by SO – IL, to create a diversity of points of listening and thus enable different sensory experiences.


Extinction Calls — leaflet design by Lisa H. Moura

Extinction Calls — leaflet design by Lisa H. Moura


Images: Details of the "Extinction Calls" leaflet, published by maat. Graphic design by Lisa H. Moura.